General Information
The school uniform, be it the summer, winter, or gym uniform, is to be worn with pride. A well-groomed, neat appearance bespeaks a student ready to learn. As students grow older they may assume responsibility for the care of their uniforms. In the lower grades, parents are to monitor the way the students are groomed. Undershirts or T-shirts under white shirts or blouses are to be white with no markings. The length of the girls' skirts, jumpers, skorts, and shorts are to be representative of a Catholic school (no shorter than 2” above the knee). Rolling waistbands or deep hems or rolled cuffs on shorts are not permitted. Eye make-up, lip gloss, blush, nail polish (other than clear), and tattoos are not permitted. Socks must be “crew socks.” Hair for boys should not cover the eyebrows or ears and should not touch their collar in the back. Hair for girls should be natural color with no dyes or tints. The administration has sole discretion in determining whether something not listed here is not appropriate for a Catholic school. The administration has sole discretion in determining whether something not listed here is not appropriate for a Catholic school.
Where to Purchase
The only items that must be purchased from Lands’ End are the green or blue Cathedral gym t-shirt, navy Cathedral gym shorts, and blue Cathedral sweats; the Cathedral plaid jumper; the Cathedral plaid kilt; the blue fleece zip; the Cathedral khaki skort; and the Cathedral blue polo shirt. All other items may be purchased at any store of your choosing.
Summer Uniforms (all students)
Worn first day of school through September 30; May 1 through last day of school
Walking shorts may be purchased from L.L. Bean, Lands' End, and many other merchants. Summer uniforms may be worn from the first day of school through the end of September and from May 1 until the last day of school. The Principal may extend the time for the summer uniform if warranted.
- Khaki shorts (minimum 6-inch inseam) for boys and girls; girls may also wear a khaki skort but it must be purchased from Lands’ End
- A blue CATHEDRAL shirt (no other logos OR plain shirts)
- White crew socks
- Tennis shoes (any color) with laces or Velcro (no slip-ons or backless shoes)
- Black or brown belt (not required for students in grades K through 2)
Winter Uniforms
Boys, Grades K through 3
- PLAIN white polo shirt (long or short sleeved)
- PLAIN white T-shirt to be worn underneath
- Khaki pants (no cargo pants, flares, jeans or bell-bottoms)
- Navy Cathedral sweater or ½ zip blue Cathedral fleece
- Black or brown belt (required for grade 3 only)
- White crew socks
- Brown TIED buck shoes (no Wallabies, docksiders, loafers, Mocs, Merrells, or slip-ons)
Boys, Grades 4 through 8
- PLAIN white oxford button-down shirt (long or short sleeved)
- PLAIN white T-shirt to be worn underneath
- Khaki pants (no cargo pants, flares, jeans or bell-bottoms)
- Tie (PLAIN dark blue, PLAIN dark green, Lands’ End classic navy, classic navy plaid, evergreen/classic navy stripe)
- Brown or black belt
- White crew socks
- Brown TIED buck shoes [Middle School students may also wear Sperry’s]
- Navy Cathedral sweater/fleece
- Navy Blue Blazer (grades 6, 7, and 8 only)
Girls, Grades K through 5
- PLAIN white polo OR white oxford button-down OR white long sleeved turtleneck
- PLAIN white T-shirt to be worn underneath
- White crew socks OR navy tights
- Cathedral plaid jumper (hem must be no shorter than 2” above the knee) OR khaki pants (no flares, bellbottoms, jean or cargo pants)
- Brown or black belt, when khaki pants are worn (required for grades 3, 4, and 5 only)
- Navy Cathedral sweater or ½ zip Cathedral blue fleece
- Black and white saddle shoes
Girls, Grades 6 through 8
- PLAIN white polo OR white oxford button-down OR white long sleeved turtleneck
- PLAIN white T-shirt to be worn underneath
- White crew socks OR navy tights
- Cathedral plaid kilt (hem must be no shorter than 2” above the knee) OR khaki pants (no flares, bellbottoms, jean or cargo pants)
- Brown or black belt, when khaki pants are worn
- Brown TIED buck shoes or Sperry’s
- Navy Cathedral sweater/fleece
- Navy blue blazer
Gym Uniform (all students)
The gym uniform is worn all day on the day that the student has gym. Gym uniforms are available from Lands’ End. Gym uniforms are worn under the Cathedral sweats from October 1 to April 30. Cathedral sweats must be worn to and from school. Only the Cathedral sweats are permitted.
- Blue or green Cathedral performance T-shirt, navy Cathedral gym shorts (kindergarten students do not need gym shorts), and blue Cathedral sweats
- White crew socks
- Tennis shoes, any color, with laces or Velcro (no slip-ons or backless shoes)
Jewelry is limited to religious necklace (all students), watch (all students), and small stud earrings (girls only).