Bill and Lisa Stromberg, Helping to Put Children’s Lives on a Positive Trajectory
For Bill and Lisa Stromberg, the School of the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen holds a special place in their hearts. Members of the Cathedral Parish since 1994, all three of their children, Lee, Andrew and Grace, attended the School of the Cathedral.
In the Stromberg’s eyes, the School played a valuable role in their children’s lives, laying the foundation for their future academic successes. Each child left with a strong academic foundation, skills, and discipline that carried them through high school and college, and in the case of their sons, on to graduate school. Moreover, beyond the academically excellent education provided by the school, Lisa and Bill greatly value the Catholic values it instilled in their children, reinforcing what they were taught at home.
The Stromberg’s have always believed in giving back to the community. Sharing their time as well as their treasure, Bill previously served on the board at Loyola Blakefield and Associated Catholic Charities and is currently a trustee at Johns Hopkins University. Lisa currently serves on the boards at Notre Dame Preparatory School, Mother Seton Academy, and Goucher College. Both have been very involved in the Cathedral community, including Lisa’s time on the School of the Cathedral board. While on these boards, Bill and Lisa discerned the great need for tuition assistance. They learned that the ability to pay for Catholic school tuition was becoming more and more difficult for many families. This knowledge, along with experiencing firsthand the positive influence the School of the Cathedral had on their children, led Bill and Lisa to make the decision to establish The Bill and Lisa Stromberg Endowment for Tuition Assistance.
The value to the school of endowments such as theirs is immeasurable. It creates a more socio-economically diverse community and changes the lives of the students who benefit. As Bill said, “It’s satisfying to know that you are helping some young people get an experience that can be life altering and really put their lives on a positive trajectory.” Lisa echoed his sentiment, “We’re thrilled to be able to offer opportunities to students who may not have had the chance to experience such a strong education and align themselves for success.”